Because of your continued patience, flexibility, support, prayer and financial generosity to the “Together Initiative” we are excited to announce April 14 as our Celebration Sunday in the new Worship Center! To get everything ready, we need your help! We have scheduled 2 work days coming up after 3rd service on March 24 and April 7. Please register below or call the office so that we can provide lunch for all those volunteering:
With the increase in people attending services and in square footage, those currently serving during the week to maintain and take care of our building and property need more help! Here’s a list of areas we’d like you to consider serving in:
  • Grounds Up-Keep
  • Parking Lot Team
  • Kitchen Cleaning
  • Painting
  • Cleaning the Building
  • Minor Maintenance
  • Event Setup/Teardown
  • Light Construction
While most are weekly needs, some are just monthly, but all of them can be flexible with your schedule to serve after work, or with your family, or small group!
Fill out a Connect Card, call the church office, or email for more information!